“But something happens during awe-filled moments, when we expand from the left to the right brain. The hum and buzz of the cortical data-stream stops dominating. We rise from the busy dissection of analysis to the calm union of appreciation. We move from aggressive reasoning to receptive understanding. From knowing about to knowing-in-relationship. From facts to meaning. From taking things apart to seeing things whole. From knowledge to love, from prose to poetry, and from invocation and thanksgiving to the awe of worship.” - Brian Mclaren
“The way of transformation that leads to soulful relationships is through dying and rising with Christ. We surrender to his life. His way becomes...
“The joy that is of God is not opposed to earthly pleasures. Rather, it infuses them with a foundation of meaning.” — William Sloane...
Wanneer ons bewus raak van die Gees se inwoning, raak ons bewus van iets groter as onsself. Anders. Bewussyn. Gewete. lnnerlike gesprek - gedagtes;...