“This great commandment is given us for our wholeness, the well-being of our relationships and the healing of our societies. Shaping our lives into instruments of God’s love breaks the tyranny [and self-destruction] of ingrained self-centredness…Our lives come alive with renewed responsiveness and fresh meaning.” — Trevor Hudson
We would rather be ruined than changed. We would rather die in our dread than climb the cross of the present and let our...
Vrae nooi jou tot deelneem, nooi jou tot gesprek, wederkerigheid en nooi jou tot ‘n verhouding.Vrae dwing jou tot ‘n reaksie…al is dit net...
"God skryf 'n nuwe storie, ’n storie van versoening met Hom, ’n storie van 2de, 3de, 4de, 70 X 7 kanse, ’n storie waarin...