Vrae nooi jou tot deelneem, nooi jou tot gesprek, wederkerigheid en nooi jou tot ‘n verhouding.
Vrae dwing jou tot ‘n reaksie…al is dit net ‘n innerlike reaksie.
Vrae nooi jou tot deelname.
Welkom by die begin van ‘n nuwe reeks waarin ons gaan kyk na vrae wat God deur die Ou Testament vir ons vra.
“‘Wilderlove’ is about wrestling with who we are and what we believe about the transcendent part of ourselves… the way we approach the bigger...
Jesus se wondertekens is besig om ‘n groter storie te vertel, herinner ons wie God is, wie Christus is en wie ons veronderstel is...
“Community does not necessarily mean living face-to-face with others. Rather, it means never losing the awareness that we are connected to each other. It...